Coaching  Retreat

17 - 24th November, 2024

8-Day Transformational Program at One of the Most Powerful Energy Spots on the Planet - Bali

Why should You go to Bali?
Bali is not just a destination, but a spiritual sanctuary where land, sea, and sky meet in perfect harmony. This island offers a unique energy vortex of feminine energy that enhances self-development and deep inner transformation. The local culture is infused with spirituality, from daily ceremonies to ancient temples. Bali is ideal for a retreat because it provides a peaceful and inspiring environment for meditation, yoga, and holistic healing. Moreover, you will find a supportive community here that will guide you on your journey to inner peace and balance. Not only within the retreat but everywhere you go.

Main Reasons to Visit Bali:
Natural Beauty:

Crystal-clear beaches, majestic mountains, pristine waterfalls, and lush rice fields create the perfect setting for relaxation and meditation.

Cultural Richness:

Traditional Balinese culture, with its ceremonies, dances, and arts, enriches your spiritual experiences.

Spiritual Energy:

Bali is considered a center of spiritual energy, often referred to as the "Island of the Gods," with a powerful vortex that enhances personal growth.

Holistic Healing:

Bali offers a wide range of wellness centers specializing in both traditional and modern healing methods, allowing you to enhance your stay even further.


You'll meet like-minded people from around the world who share your goals and values.

How will you feel after reatreat?

Life is a journey. Wherever you go next, whether it's returning home or continuing to travel, you can trust that after our retreat INSIDE YOU WILL:

Have Clear Intentions and Vision

After intensive self-work, you will have a clear vision, as well as specific steps for your next step on your life journey. You will feel at peace and in harmony, free from worries and doubts. This will create a strong foundation for realizing your plans even after the retreat.

Filled with Royal Energy
In energy coaching, royal energy symbolizes strength, authority, and confidence. After the retreat, you will feel your inner queen has awakened. You will be:

Strong and Confident: Ready to take control of your life and become the CEO of your own destiny.

Internally Calm and Harmonious: Balanced and in tune with your soul.

Full of Joy and Vitality: Feeling light and joyful, stemming from a deep connection with your inner energy.

Filled with Peace and Equanimity: Grounded and serene.

Detailed program:
Sunday: Stepping into the Journey, Anchoring in the Safe Harbor of Transformation

4:00 - 15:00: Check-in, rest, personal time 

18:00 - 20:00: First group introductory session in the Shala. Set intentions, discuss current feelings, desired experiences, end goals, and mindset.

Monday: Connecting with Balinese Deities, Grounding in the Place

08:00 - 9:30 Mindful Breakfast

10:00 - 12:00 Morning Session with Yoga

17:00 - 18:30 Breathwork and Sound Healing

Tuesday: Unpack What No Longer Serves You

08:00 - 9:00  Conscious Eating Habits 

10:00 - 15:00 Waterfall trip with energy cleansing

17:00 - 19:00 Evening session

Wednesday: Release the Deepest Obstacles

8:00 - 9:30 Coaching Breakfast

10:00 - 12:00 Morning Energy Healing Cleanse 

18:00 - 20:00 Evening Coaching Session

Thursday: A Clean Slate for a New Journey

8:00 - 9:30 Silent Breakfast

Half-Day of Silence (Walking meditation or silent meditation - we will guide you)

17:00 - 19:00 Evening Session

Friday: Emerging Outline of the New Queen

8:00 - 9:30 Coaching Breakfast

10:00 - 11:30 Royal Meditation with Anet 

18:00 - 20:00 Evening Session

Saturday: Standing in Your Royal Power

08:00 - 10:00 Mindful Breakfast

16:00 - 21:00 Celebrating Your New Self (Sound and Dance)

Sunday: Step Confidently into the Next Stage of Life

08:00 - 9:30 Queen Mode Breakfast

10:00 - 11:00 Final Ceremony 


It is possible to book an extra coaching session with either Aneta or Misha upon request. Please note that this is a high-level program and may change according to the weather or energy conditions. 

Your Guides:

I am a coach and mentor specializing in inner work and transformation for achieving work-life balance and a fulfilling life. My approach focuses on supporting women in discovering their true potential and finding the courage for life changes.


I am an energy coach, sound healer, and guide for women on their journey back to their soul. Through my Sacred Soul Journey programs, energy cleansing sessions, and sound baths, I help women reconnect with their inner wisdom and become the CEOs of their own lives.

The Retreat Price
999 EUR
This price covers the essential costs of the retreat, including accommodation, meals, and flights for both Aneta and Misha. Our intention is to make this retreat as accessible as possible, so we do not profit from this fee. However, if you feel called to offer a tip as a gesture of appreciation, you can do so at the end of the payment process. Your support means the world to us! 

To book the retreat - pay in the form on the right side. Any tip is welcome here:
(We are not VAT registered. The price is approx. 25.000 CZK, please note that daily exchange rate is applicable)

8x Breakfast 

8x Nights Accommodation in a Private Villa with a Pool 

Transportation to and from the Airport

Drinking Water and Tea in the Villa 

Fruits in the Villa 

Personal Development Program 

Guidance from 2 Coaches 

Sound bath

Enter your bullet points here..

Private Villa in Jalan Raya Goa Gajah, Kecamatan Ubud, Bali

Do you have any questions? 

Feel free to reach out to us:

Aneta at or 
WhatsApp at +420 604 978 089,
Misha at or 
WhatsApp at +420 736 227 702. 

We are happy to answer any questions you may have.

The retreat is organized in collaboration with CZECH SURF s.r.o., IČ 03095444. 

Cancellation Policy: please reach out to us to get more details. 

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You will not be charged for this purchase, but if you choose to make an optional purchase later, this card info will be used to complete that transaction!

  • Total payment
  • 1xThe Journey Retreat€999

All prices in EUR